Aug 25, 2008


yes, that's the name of my new office building. my whole department has now officially moved into a trailer named godzilla. it's been a hectic and long-awaited move, with much planning and many details and yet more to come... but i for one am very glad it has finally come and gone. we went from four different locations on campus to one, and while it's a little cramped for space, it's definitely going to be good for business to have us all together. it gives us more resources internally, and it gives the campus a much higher probability of consistency and compliance across the board-- always a good thing. also, in a time where most of the administrative functions are moving off campus, our higher-ups have fought very hard to keep us in the heart of the place that breathes what we do. there's a lot to be said for that.

as it turned out, too, we got all kinds of new stuff in the deal. we got brand-new furniture, new printers, phone, and monitors, gifts from the grad school of business to thank us for letting us get kicked out of our old building, etc. i happen to be located in what i lovingly call the "black hole hallway"-- one without nearly as much traffic as the rest of the building. so far it's been working out nicely, because it forces people to only come find me if they need me. it's a little far from the bathroom and the one copier we have in the trailer, but it'll do. i also have a lovely window box (in which i have an orchid and two ivies), so i'm rather enjoying it.

plus, i get to share my business address as godzilla. heh. i wonder if that will be on my new business cards.

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