Aug 6, 2008

he's back!

i haven't been a super-faithful alice radio listener in recent years, but i still switch on the morning show on my way to work (half an hour or less). i'd been listening to the alice morning show for years, since high school, it seems.... and i loved sarah's co-host vinnie back in the day. vinnie went away some years ago after he got canned for being an alcoholic and not able to do his job. then we got no name, who i didn't like nearly as well, and i found myself changing the station more quickly most days. however, who did i hear on the radio monday morning when i got in my car? vinnie! he's back, and clean, and funny as ever. it's like being in high school all over again.

(well, at least the radio part. especially since rick springfield was a call-in guest this morning.)

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