Dec 19, 2008


i'm not sure what i expected when i turned thirty. it always seemed so far away-- so old-- and suddenly it's today, now, my current and present state. i've been joking for the last few months that i wasn't sure if i was going to celebrate it or ignore it. i think i feared it a little, because you never know how you feel about where you are in your life when you get to a milestone.

when it comes down to it, though, i have a lot going for me these days... i'm in a stable, healthy relationship. i own my own house (well, the bank owns it, but i'm paying it off). i have an interesting job that i'm good at (and in which i'm getting lots of opportunities for growth). i have some amazing people around me in my personal and professional lives, people i care a lot about and who care about me, celebrate my successes, and support me in my failures. i'm still playing soccer as often as i can, even if it's slower than i'd like. i have some long-time friends that become more and more precious to me as the days go by, and some new friends that i'm enjoying getting to know. i have a growing family that continues to be close as we all grow up. i have new things in my life that i'm excited to learn about (home improvement projects!). as is evidenced by my thanksgiving list, there's a lot to be thankful for.

i think i'm pretty lucky. thirty is going to be a good year.

1 comment:

Eighty-Two said...

That's the spirit!!!

30 is going to be a good year.